Julia Bolton

Julia Bolton (she/her) is a Minorities in Aquaculture (https://www.mianpo.org/) intern at the QMEL laboratory this summer. She graduated from the University of Vermont in 2023 with an Environmental Science B.S.. However, her interests aren’t completely terrestrial. Instead, her interests lie in marine work like aquaculture, seaweed, and climate change resiliency for coastal communities.
This summer she supported various experiments with a focus on oyster gaping behavior under stressors, like heat and predation. In addition, she worked on making a farm deployment possible for the offshore, wireless biosensor called the clam phone. This research opportunity was an amazing way for her to experience a research-focused environment before she starts her graduate program at Sophia University in Tokyo. At Sophia University, she will be studying Global Environmental Studies to focus on marine conservation and policy.
Other than research, Julia loves working and having fun outside, especially in community with others! Her recent obsession has been mountain unicycling, and her next outdoor recreation goal is to learn how to fish!