Logistics for Enrolled Students

  • We will meet virtually via Zoom during the first week (June 3 - June 8). Check your email for the Zoom link.
  • We transition to Shoals Marine Lab on Appledore Island for the second week of the course (June 10 - 17).
  • Communication for this class will primarily happen on Slack. We recommend that you download the mobile app for ease of communication while we are on island. Check your email for the invite link.
  • You should submit your homework assignments via Canvas. If, for whatever reason, you don’t have access to Canvas you should email your assignment submissions to Emily at emily.malcolmwhite@unh.edu.

Install R and RStudio

To access the course materials, you will need to have both R and RStudio installed on your computer. Follow the instructions available on the Posit website: https://posit.co/download/rstudio-desktop/.

  • Note that there are two programs you need to download. R (or base R) is the brains or the calculator working behind the scenes - to work with this directly is possible but it’s a bit messy. RStudio is an additional interface that makes it easier to organize your scripts, your plots, your objects, and your files in one window. Typically, we will open RStudio and work directly in that program but it’s important to also have R installed in the background.
  • You should install these two programs before our first class. There will be some time given during our first class to help troubleshoot any issues that might arise during installation.

Schedule & Course Materials

  • to download the .qmd files (Template, Homework) you should right click and “Save Link As…”
  • to view the Notes, just left-click in the usual way
Date Time Letter Topic Notes Template Data Desc Homework Videos
Mon, June 3 9:00 AM Introduction and Welcome
10:45 AM A Installation, Intro R, RMarkdown, File Paths
1:00 PM Office Hours
asynch Slack Discussion
Tue, June 4 9:00 AM B Naming Objects, Wrangling data with `dplyr`:: `filter`, `select`, `arrange` possum.csv
10:45 AM C Aggregating data with `summarize`, `group_by()`
1:00 PM Office Hours
8:00PM Rock Talk
Wed, June 5 9:00 AM D Making plots with `ggplot2`
10:45 AM E More making plots with `ggplot2`
1:00 PM Office Hours
asynch Slack Discussion
Thu, June 6 9:00 AM F Joining co2.csv
10:45 AM G Reshaping/Pivoting
1:00 PM Office Hours
Fri, June 7 9:00 AM H Working with categorical data using `forcats`
10:45 AM I Working with dates using `lubridate`
1:00 PM Office Hours
asynch Discussion
Sat, June 8 No Class
Sun, June 9 No Class
Mon, June 10 1:45 PM Arrive at Market St Dock in Portsmouth, NH
2:45 PM Boat Departure to Shoals
Tue, June 11 J Seal Data
K Sustainability Data
Wed, June 12 L Lobsters / Time Series
Thu, June 13 M Intertidal / Regression
Fri, June 14 N Pretty Documents: tables, figures, cross-references, and bibliography
O Maps
Sat, June 15 P Pretty Documents: colors, themes, and scales
Sun, June 16 Final Presentations
Mon, June 17 10:30 AM Boat Departure back to Market St Dock in Portsmouth, NH