Literate programming

  • Combine text, code, figures, tables, etc.
  • Write papers without having to remember to swap figures
  • Automatically generate reports

Getting started

install.packages(c("rmarkdown", "knitr", "tinytex"))
  • File -> New File -> R Markdown
    • Enter a title and author(s).
    • Choose ‘Default Output Format’ as HTML.
  • Generates a basic stub of a .Rmd document
    • Customize “front matter” at the top of the document between the ---.
  • Delete everything below the second ---


  • Basic approach to formatting text
  • Let’s you do
    • # Headers
    • *italics*
    • **bold**
    • [links](
    • Lists
      • *
      • 1.

## Concept

Exploration of population dynamic patterns at **The Portal Project**.
How do counts of rodents like *Dipodomys* species change through time?

In this document I will:

1. Load data from the [Portal Project Teaching Database](
2. Process it into population time series
3. And make initial visualizations
  • Easy to read for humans
  • Easy to convert into other things for computers

  • Press Knit to create HTML from the document
  • Can also create PDF & Word versions of our files
    • PDF Requires pandoc and TeX installation
    • Use the Knit dropdown or change output: pdf_document
  • Markdown is common on lots of websites
  • Used to create all of the exercises and lectures in this course
  • Github will automatically render it

R chunks

  • R Markdown allows you to include code to run in the document
  • Click on Insert and choose R

## Required Packages

  • Knitting runs the code and prints its output

## Data

data <- read.csv("")

Chunk options

  • Chunks have lots of useful options

```{r, message=FALSE}
  • cache=TRUE reuses results of the code chunk in subsequent “knits”. Save time re-calculating or re-downloading it each time.

```{r, cache=TRUE}
data <- read.csv("")
  • You can run code inside your text, too:
The data includes `r length(unique(data$species_id))` species.

Analysis Example

## Analysis

Get the time-series of counts for all species.
time_series <-
  data %>%
  group_by(species_id, year) %>%
  summarize(count = n())
  • echo=FALSE let’s you show the results of the code chunk without showing the code.

## Plot the time-series.

```{r, message=FALSE, echo=FALSE, cache=TRUE}
ggplot(time_series, aes(x = year, y = count)) +
  geom_line() +


  • Create a bibtex file with citations
  • Get bibtex entries from Google Scholar
    • Search reference
    • Click on "
    • Select Bibtex
    • Copy text
    • Paste into .bib file
  • Add this file as the source for citations in the YAML
bibliography: bibliography.bib
  • Cite papers
  • When you knit in-text citations will be formated and the full references will be displayed at the bottom of the document.


  • In RStudio run chunks using Ctrl-Shift-Enter or Cmd-Shift-Enter
  • Displays results in the editor
  • Notebook
  • output: html_notebook or File -> New File -> R Notebook
  • Resulting .nb.html file has interactive control of code blocks

R Presentations

  • File -> New File -> R Presentation
    • Save to location.
    • Rpres generates MD and directory of figures.
  • Template Rpres file includes title page and sample code blocks.

author: Ethan P. White
autosize: true


- Show making slides in R
- Include code on slides
- Includes graphs on slides

Slide With Code

data <- read.csv("")

Histogram of Masses

```{r, echo = FALSE}
ggplot(data, aes(x = weight, color = species_id)) +
  • Preview in RStudio panel
  • Convert to HTML
    • More -> View in Browser or Save As Web Page...