Basic code execution

  • When we run a chunk of code it runs from top to bottom in order
  • It runs the first line, then the second line, and so on
  • This means that order is important
  • Write code to calculate a total number from density and area
total_number <- density * area
density <- c(2.8, 3.2, 1.5, 3.8)
area <- c(3, 5, 1.9, 2.7)
  • Returns an error because neither density or area exists yet
  • Code executes starting on the right side
  • Looks up the value for density
  • Can’t find the variable and so errors

  • Rearrange the code so that all variables are created before they are used
density <- c(2.8, 3.2, 1.5, 3.8)
area <- c(3, 5, 1.9, 2.7)
total_number <- density * area
  • This executes in the following sequence
  • The right hand side of the first line creates a vector
  • It is then stored or “assigned” to the variable density
  • The second line then runs creating a vector and assigning it to the variable area
  • The third line first looks up the variable density and replaces it with its value
  • It then looks up the the variable area and replaces it with its value
  • It then multiplies those two vectors and assigns them to the variable total_number